Time For a New Battery

We’re all too familiar with coming home late and forgetting our lights on or not closing the doors all the way. When we go back to our car in the morning - Car won’t turn on! We freak out, call our friends, and stop strangers so that we can charge the battery.


What if one day you got into your car, and you know for sure, the doors were shut and locked and the lights were off, but the car will not start for you? You know for sure it’s the battery, you just don’t know why or how you missed it.


We’re going to talk about 6 warning signs you need a new battery. Many of them, you will find shaking your head to. They’re easily overlooked - especially if you’re a new driver.


Sign 1

Check engine or battery light:

The check engine light is usually the first indicator that something is wrong with the car. It does sometimes appears when your battery power is weak.

Sign 2

Slow engine crank:

When you try to start your vehicle, listen carefully - the cranking of the engine may be sluggish and takes longer than normal to start.

Sign 3

Battery leak:

A leaking battery causes the corrosion around the posts. This is where the positive (+) and the negative (-) connections are located. If you don’t clean the corrosion you car may not start.

Sign 4

Low battery fluid level:

If you notice that the battery’s fluid level is low, usually below the lead plates, it’s definitely time to get it tested or replaced. If you don’t know how to check this, look for the translucent part of the battery.

Sign 5

The swelling, bloating battery case:

Excessive heat can cause your battery case to swell. This not only decreases your battery’s life but it can also cause leaks.

Sign 6

Old age:

Car batteries are usually meant to last over three years. It is important to have the battery tested when it reaches its three year mark. Do this yearly to help increase the battery’s life.


Author Note: Maria Briggs is the owner and author of the popular family and lifestyle blog, Adventures of the Mommy Homemaker. You can catch all of her great tips and stories on her Facebook page as well.